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Bianca Foratori é artista visual, Graduada em Design de Moda e Especialista em Arte Educação, natural de Jundiaí - SP e baseada em São Paulo capital. Sua pesquisa atual aborda a intersecção entre memórias afetivas e tradições, com enfoque na mulher e na cultura popular brasileira. A pintura é sua principal linguagem de trabalho, mas atua também com muralismo, escultura, colagem, têxteis, desenho, etc.

Bianca Foratori is a visual artist, Graduated in Fashion Design and Specialist in Art Education, born in Jundiaí - SP and based in São Paulo capital. Her current research deals with the intersections between affective memories and traditions, with a focus on women and brazilian popular culture. Painting is her main language, but she also works with muralism, sculpture, collage, textiles, drawing, etc.



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For inquires, please fill the form below or send message to the e-mail above. I will get back to you soon.

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